



Modeling Virtual Network Collaboration in SCM
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格式 RAR 资料大小 163K 资料内容类别 理论研究
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This study is designed to suggest a collaboration network model and apply it to establish a desirable framework for the textile supply chain management. The challenge in textile supply chain management is the development of collaboration network which accommodates diverse concerns of various participants while explicitly recognizing interdependencies and promoting effective relationship management. Major contents of the study are as follows. First, ideal collaboration network model which can draw a positive collaboration from the supply chain of the textile industry is suggested. Second, utilizing the collaboration model, e-Textile Supply Chain Management (e-TSCM) is designed to improve customer services and delivery time, to promote information sharing, and shorten product life cycle time. e-TSCM is expected to promote corporate innovation and information sharing, generate infrastructure which reduces the gap of the competitiveness across the textile supply chain and enhance the collaboration, which in turn


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